Roberto Amee Men's Leather Wallet Case Pack 120

SKU: DOB2125542
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Quick Overview

Stock your boutique or online store with this case of 120 roberto amee men's leather wallets.Each trifold wallet features six card slots and three hidden pockets for plenty of personal storage space.A small zippered pocket is ideal for small keys or loose coins. color: black material: leather size when open:...

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Stock your boutique or online store with this case of 120 roberto amee men's leather wallets.Each trifold wallet features six card slots and three hidden pockets for plenty of personal storage space.A small zippered pocket is ideal for small keys or loose coins.

  • color: black
  • material: leather
  • size when open: 9.25 inches wide x 3.875 inches high x 0.25 inches deep size when closed: 3 inches wide x 3.875 inches high x 0.75 inches deep
" case pack 120 please note: if there is a color/size/type option, the option closest to the image will be shipped (or you may receive a random color/size/type).
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